Friday, August 20, 2010

Real Studio Tutorial continues...

So I went through 2 tutorials with my new Real Studio software. There was some BASIC-style coding at the end of the second one. But it's all that wrapping that you have to set up that's always bugged me about learning non-procedural programming. I guess it's not that bad though - this is like my second or third attempt at coding after BASIC and FORTRAN went obsolete.

I kind of like the "dot notation" that goes on now.  That's alright. Stuff like "ConnectURL.Enabled=True", "ListURLlistbox.text", or "Window1.ListURLlistbox.CellBackgroundPaint".

Still, I'm waiting to get to a place where I can just free code.  All I want is control of the computer screen to put images on, like a screensaver. I really don't give a crap about all these windows and buttons and text fields and list boxes. But that is where the computing world has gone in my decades-long absence. (As a cell phone network engineer, I didn't code anything. The closest I got was making parameter changes to the software that ran a cell site - things like the signal power coming out of the antennas, or the hysteresis values that controlled when handoffs would occur.)

What I want to do is control IMAGES. Scientific and mathematical images. That's all.  (Maybe I should have bought Mathematica, but that's a thousand dollar item, and this was a hundred dollar item. I had to start somewhere, right?)

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