Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Computer frustration hope?

So, I got my Real Studio, and, I've got to admit, I'm getting some hope.  At first there was the standard tutorial about building a browser and pushbuttons and captions and all that bullshit. Me, I just want to program code again!  Also, it turns out it was downloadable. One of the 3 emails they sent was for "license keys" and clicking the link there brought me to their site from which I downloaded the .dmg (Yes, I'm mostly using Mac for the time being) Here's the splash screen:

And here is the app their tutorial had me build.  (I made it ugly just to know it was mine:)

and After:

But I can see hints that this wrapping stuff is just some necessary first steps before the coding comes in.

I can't wait to program again!  :)

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