Saturday, August 21, 2010

Pro doing software development in real-time

It's interesting to me to watch a modern professional doing software development in real-time. This image is from a Google presentation (which looks like it happened on their campus, on some lawn) showing their new 'Google AppEngine' (or some such name).

Now what the guy blazed through in just setting it up - using TextMate and setting up Python and running a "Hello World" on Firefox - that's what I would like to learn. All the little stuff that's second nature to him and his audience and that books don't really describe, because it's a combination of various bits that work together, whereas books concentrate on just the parts (Python, or Firefox, or TextMate) and don't tell you how to put it all together from the get-go. I guess what I really want is a computer pro to sit next to me and tell me everything I want to know about programming. I want the hodgepodge approach that suits me. But I ain't gonna get that, am I?

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